A preview of the upcoming screencast – one of the things we’ll be going through is OAuth with Google in FastAPI. To start with we’ll be granting access to Search Console via OAuth – and there some watchouts you’ll want to be aware of Google don’t make clear in the developer docs.
First thing you’ll need to do is set up a project in GCP and enable the Search Console API… oh and set up a Google Cloud account if you don’t already have one!
To enable the search console API, ensure you have the correct project selected then in the menu head to the APIs and Services section and select Enable APIs and Services
In the search box you can then enter ‘Google Search Console’ and click on google search console api when it appears.
Alternatively you can search for Google Search Console in the top search bar and you’ll get to the same place.
If it’s not enabled you’ll have the option to ENABLE however as I already have it enabled, it’s showing me the option to manage.
You’ll then be taken to the Google Search Console API screen, from where we’ll need to generate some credentials and access… that’ll be in part 2!